
31 August 2012

The 7 Mental Secrets of Millionaire Entrepreneurs (Manifest Your Millions) by David Neagle

 The 7 Mental Money Secrets of Millionaire Entrepreneurs (Manifest Your Millions Within) was an interesting read. David adds many personal anecdotes to the book of how the secrets worked in his own life. This is a highly motivational book, and well worth more than one read. This book has made it into my motivational book section of my Kindle, so that I can re-read it when necessary.

In The 7 Mental Money Secrets of Millionaire Entrepreneurs (Manifest Your Millions Within) David talks about the Law of Life, and how desires are just stepping stones, with each step being revealed one at a time. He also talks about how there is always a way to fulfill your desire, since you can’t have a desire without there being a way to reach it. There are also other Laws of the universe that he goes in depth with.

As one would expect, there are 7 secrets, with each one building on those that came before. The secrets are Desire, Decision, Belief/Faith in a Higher Power, Love, Personal Responsibility, Will, and Environment and Action. There are action steps and real life examples for each secret, and David goes in depth on each one. This is definitely a book you want to read with a notebook beside you so that notes can be taken.

25 August 2012

Depression Cash Cures by Marc Charles

Depression Cash Cures is a cheat sheet, quick and to the point. Yet there are some very interesting tidbits hidden within this no frills book. My favorite quote is a great nugget of business wisdom – “subject to abrupt changes often without warning.” Which is very true, and is often a well lamented issue many business owners face.

Marc Charles gives his readers a reason to trust his word by giving references and qualifications throughout the book. Of course I personally cannot speak for the accuracy of his words; he has put them out there which many non-fiction book writers forget to do. Marc also warns to avoid becoming over-extended, which we all know that slope is an easy one to slide down.

Depression Cash Cures gives three business opportunities to get you started. The first one is the well-known affiliate sales path. The second is the far riskier online trading option, and third is the freelance option. Marc goes through each of these options and gives pros and cons, as well as ways to get started on each of them. But Depression Cash Cures is not meant to be an end all and be all book. He gets you started then pushes you to think outside the box. After all, there are no one size fits all way to make money. I think it would be pretty boring if there were!

All in all I thought it was an excellent read, though a short one. I had gotten a few ideas out of it, but much of the information was the same to me. Even though the information was the same as other books I had read, each have their own voice and perhaps Depression Cash Cures might get you thinking in ways I cannot imagine.

I give Depression Cash Cures 3 out of 5 stars.
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